Local Self Government Department-Creation of temporary posts of Accountant in Grama Panchayats- Sanction accorded - Order issued
G.O.(MS).No.118/09/LSGD. Thiruvananthapuram, Dated :26.06.2009
Read:- Letter No.E12-30810/04 dated 04-11-2008 from the Director of Panchayats, Thiruvananthapuram
During Post-decentralization the financial workload of village panchayats has increased manifold. Due to this pressure of work the accounting system is under severe strain. This has been pointed out several times by the Accountant General.The third Financial Commission has recommended the setting up of a Finance and Accounts wing in all Local Governments. Thought computerisation part of the workload could be absolved. But there is still need for additional manpower.
Government have examined the matter and considering the need for additional manpower till the Accounting Cadre is put in place are pleased to accord sanction, as in interim arrangement, for the creation of one temporary post each of Accountant on Rs.8390-13270 in the Grama Panchayats. These posts will be filled up by promotion of Upper Division Clerks in the Grama Panchayats subject to the following conditions.
The newly posted Accountants would be given one month induction training including hands - on-training on use of computers.
Those promoted, as Accountants will be retained as Accountants for a minimum period of three years except, of course, in case of promotion.
Computerisation of PRI accounts will be initiated along with this process.
In those Grama Panchayats, which already have Junior Superintendent and Head Clerk posts, new posts of Accountants would not be created.
In 18 such Grama Panchayats the Head Clerk post will be re designated as Accountant posts. There are 642 Grama Panchayats where the staff strength is 10 and above, including re-deployed staff, in such Panchayats, to reduce the financial burden due to the creation of new post, one of the existing post of Upper Division Clerk will be upgraded to the Accountant. In 339 Grama Panchayats where the staff strength is below 10, a post of Accountant will be created.
The post of Accountant is equated to that of Head Clerk in the scale of pay of Rs.8390-13270. The additional expenditure due to the post creation would be absorbed by the village panchayat themselves from their own fund / General Purpose Fund.
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